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Exhibitions, Environment & Education

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

I am very excited to reveal 3 of 5 new exhibitions which I am taking part in over the next few months. As well as sharing my experience of contributing to the education of COP26 and how we can actively engage through creativity to help save our planet.

SSA 123rd Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy

I was absolutely delighted to find out my drawings were selected for the Society of Scottish Artists 123rd Annual Exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy. It has been a dream of mine for a very long time to have my work exhibited in the RSA, even more so with two recent opportunities being virtual only.

Private View

The SSA Private View of the exhibition on 30th October was absolutely wonderful - it was so lovely to see so many in the space, enjoying the art work. I felt so inspired to be back in the RSA and to see the new work that people have been making through these challenging times.

To make the day even better, I was awarded the Purcell Paper Prize which is such a privilege to receive and I am incredibly grateful to the SSA for this award.

The exhibition continues until the 23rd of November and tickets can be purchased through the eventbrite link -

Three of my paintings were selected for the SixBYSix Exhibition at the SixFoot Gallery in Glasgow which run for another three weeks. Please go and check it out if you are in the area.

SixBySix Exhibition

Three of my paintings are also featured in 'Fresh After Death 3' at Santosa in Leith, Edinburgh. It is a privilege to have been invited for these shows alongside some other fantastic creatives.

Finally, with COP26 taking place in Glasgow over the next two weeks, it is important we discuss, engage and educate each other on how we can improve our impact on the climate. Art and creativity has the chance to convey some important messages and capture the attention of the public in a way that starts up these conversations about change. I supported a teacher with a Primary 4 class in creating this fantastic collage of the world, made from recycled paper and plastic bottle caps.

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